Web Design
How to get Web Design right
There is no right or wrong with Web Design, some are better at reaching customers than others.
Attention to the Detail
Improving your website can make a big difference and attention to detail is key in any business website and we understand the need for listening.

Building continuity between your website and your business is essential to maximize opportunities and being consistent across all platforms is important when the website identifies with social media.
Quality Services for Hosting Web Design & Development
Creating a website to present your business online has more potential to attract new business and maintain existing business channels. Hosting is a very important part of the process of managing a website maintaining a consistent service.
This is the benefit to you follow the list below then call us so we can setup a meeting;
- Meeting
- Products/Services
- Web Design
- Concept Development
- Create Design
- Develop Site
- Build in images and copy
- Add SEO basics
- Upload live site

Creating a Website?
There are many reasons why I should create a website the most important is inform everyone in my locality or sales area who I am and what services and products are on offer.
Why Now
Many people who run successful businesses without a website, don’t consider a website worthwhile because they already have a good supply chain.
The missing element is complimenting a good supply chain with a website to enhance what is already good and further the scope for more potential.
There is an increasing number of businesses like yours that are competing for orders and more people are looking for your products and services. Online browsing options are being used more and more before going to a shop or business location.
More people are using the Internet to locate parts or white goods or local trades before they phone. This will slowly push those without a website further down the pecking order.
Even those who have a good supply chain will be effected in the future at some point.
All businesses need to advertise there products and services and one of the easiest ways of doing that is by using the Internet.
Internet advertising can then encourage new visitors to your website this will add credibility to you and your business from the web page content. Showing feedback from existing customers and examples of your working practices helps to improve online confidence.
Having downloadable documents about your products and services can also make you and your business more interesting that your competitors.
A website can be seen from anywhere in the world that has an Internet connection and before you thinking I only work locally why would that interest me? Take someone on holiday in USA from the UK they are due home but need to organise a washing machine repair. Someone who wanted to buy a part before they went on holiday, have some free time and an Internet device and want to be prepared for the homecoming.
There are many reasons that make it worthwhile having a web site.
An example, your business is selling flowers offering a wide selection of wedding sets to pretty bouquet or special occasion. There is a selection of flower images and prices online stating they start from £xx and you take credit cards. This means offering a local service from anywhere in the country or even abroad allowing families to send flowers. This has the potential to bring more business to your local business from further away than your locality.
What is a Website?
Websites are used as advertising media to promote products and services. They are a construction of information pages, including text and images that are displayed to be viewed using an Internet browser. The popular browsers include, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari
Website pages can be either static or incorporate movement using many different options to enhance the experience of the viewer. It is now possible to view video either directly from the site or indirectly from a video link.
The written text on the web page can also move on screen. For example, if you have a long list of comments from satisfied customers they could be used on the web pages.
What is a Secure Responsive Website

Secure websites must be used when personal details are obtained across the Internet to protect payments. The website title changes from HTTP to HTTPS and this confirms a secure certificate is apply protection to this connection. More about secure connections can be found here